Friday, August 12, 2011

Jammu and Kashmir govt spent Rs 11 crore on sorties, in trouble :

The exchequer in civil Aviation Department shows the amount of Rs 12crore for ferrying of Chief Minister and Other Ministers in last three years. Civil Aviation Department revealed the exchequer of Government Ministers and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for travel various places in Kashmir. For three years the People elected person spent in Aviation but the purpose could realize.
CAD showed the report to Bashir Ahmad Malik in Budgam resident He asked the RTI to CAD which is application on details response within the limit of Law, the reason to showing the spending exchequer.
The expenditure from 2009 to 2011 is Rs12 crore the expenditure gives unpleasant look on state chopper service for the usage of government utilities on personnel uses. Bhat sought the details from CM’s office he had been refused and he could not collect the details.
Bhat was approached Chief Information Commission and made a complaint on further proceeding .The complaint and letter forwarded to (CAD) Civil Aviation Department and furnishing details suddenly.
The state Aviation department in control of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, He has the responsible to answering the massive exchequer. In 2009 CAD reports the exchequer value was Rs 4 crore. The expenditure, Maintenance, inspection and examination charges, Reneuval of license, landing and parking charges, insurance, fuel spending, workers salary those combine under 4 crore rupees.
Chief minister and personnel and other minister were travelled in the places of Gulmarg to Nehru Helipad, Jammu to Katra, Jammu to Rajouri, Nehru Helipad to Ganderbal, Nehru Helipad to Srinagar Airport, Rajouri to Sharda Sharief, Pahalgam to Nehru Helipad, Nehru Helipad to SKICC, SKICC to Ganderbal the places trips in 2009,it covers Rs 4 crore.
During the time period of 2010-11,For using the chopper and aircrafts were spent nearly Rs 6 crore for the purpose of spending examination charges, Reneuval of license, landing and parking charges, insurance, fuel spending, workers salary, The expenditure, Maintenance, inspection CAD reported.
Nehru Helipad to Jammu, Mattan to Ashmuqam, , Jammu to Magam, Kishtwar to Jammu, , Jammu to Maam, Nehru Helipad to Beerwah, , Jammu to Magam, Jammu to Kalakote and others places have been made as trip on 2011 till June Expenditure alone 78,00,000 without other expenses, if the chance of analyzing those expenditure and payments the cost could be risen.
Civil Aviation Department gives the details the exchequer spent money on transport alone Rs 12 crore in same senses other expenses how it is, Article 370 gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir, When compares other states in India Kashmir has the state of Specialization including constitution.
The defense support, financial support, goods and services support are special on comparing any territory of India but the Administration flexibility which country made such freedom within their territory.
The Civil Aviation department under the control of Chief minister Omar Abdullah but Kashmir has lot of elevated places and the chopper service support must need, The Government misters transportation exchequer is only reached the amount Rs 12 crores, At the same time other spending of Kashmir is to be huge amount.

Jammu and Kashmir govt spent Rs 11 crore on sorties, in trouble : India: India Today

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Supreme Court allows students to use RTI to cross check evaluation of marks

New Delhi: In order to ensure transparency in the evaluation of marks by schools, colleges and various competitive exams, the Supreme Court in an important decision on Tuesday ruled that students can go through their answer sheets under Right to Information Act (RTI).
The students appearing for Board, competitive or Public Service Commission exams will have the rights to cross check their answer sheets.
A Supreme Court bench comprising of Justice RV Ravindra and Justice NK Patnaik turned down the joint plea of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Institute of Charted Accountant of India, Kolkata University, West Bengal counseling of Higher Secondary Education, Chairman West Bengal Central School Service Commission, Assam Public Service Commission and Bihar Public Service Commission.

Approving Kolkata High Court order passed on February 5, 2009, the bench said that answer sheet will not come under section 8(1) (E) of RTI, which is related to  holding of information in trust for another.
It is to be noted that the Kolkata High Court in its verdict clearly stated that if voters are allowed to know the bio-data of any particular party candidate, students too have the rights to see their answer sheets.
Education Boards and Commission were of the view that answer sheet cannot be shown to students by using RTI since it is the fiduciary right of the authority conducting exam. They had contended that the entire system will get disturbed if answer sheets were to be shown under the RTI.
However, the counsel of MKSS and Josh, Divya Jyoti objected to the plea and put forth examples of such institute which allow students to cross examine their answer sheets.
Not convinced with arguments of the petitioner, the bench dismissed the plea stating that the system needs to change with time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

अब सोने-चांदी का हिसाब देना होगा सरकार को

केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग ने अपनी सुनवाई में एक लैंडमार्क फैसला सुनाते हुए वित्त मंत्रालय को हलफनामा दायर करने को कहा है कि उसके पास देश में खपत और बिक्री होने वाले सोने - चांदी का कोई रिकॉर्ड या उसकी जानकारी है या नहीं। आयोग ने यह फैसला आरटीआई के उस अपील की सुनवाई में दिया है , जिसमें केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्रालय के अलावा रिजर्व बैंक से यह जानकारी मांगी गई थी कि क्या उनके पास देश में मौजूद बेनामी सोने ( अनअकाउंटेड गोल्ड ) पर नकेल लगाने के लिए कोई प्लान है या नहीं , और अगर है तो अब तक इस संबंध में क्या कार्रवाई की गई है। और यह भी पूछा गया था कि हवाला के जरिए होने वाले सोने के काले कारोबार को रोकने के लिए सरकार ने क्या प्लान बनाया है ?
आयोग की आयुक्त दीपक संधू ने सुनवाई में कहा कि वित्त मंत्रालय ही इसकी जानकारी रखने की नोडल एजेंसी होगी और इसी मंत्रालय को हलफनामा दाखिल करना होगा। यह हलफनामा डेप्युटि सेक्रेटरी से ऊपर के रैंक के अधिकारी के जरिए दाखिल होगा। ऐसे समय में जब चारों तरफ घोटाले , भ्रष्टाचार की आग सुलग रही है , यह फैसला काफी महत्वपूर्ण माना जा रहा है। 
दिल्ली के आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता सुभाष चंद्र अग्रवाल बताते हैं कि यह कितने दुर्भाग्य की बात है कि वित्त मंत्रालय के साथ - साथ आरबीआई , सेंट्रल बोर्ड ऑफ डायरेक्ट टैक्सेज , राजस्व विभाग , प्रवर्तन निदेशालय जानकारी देने लिए एक दूसरे का मुंह ताकते रहे। उनका कहना है कि पहले सोना ग्राम में बिकता था और आज किलो में मिलता है। पहले सोना आम आदमी के लिए इन्वेस्टमेंट का एक जरिया हुआ करता था , आज अरबपतियों के लिए पार्किंग प्लेस बन गया है ... विडंबना है कि सरकार मौन बैठी हुई है। अग्रवाल के मुताबिक जब से विदेशों में पड़े काले धन को वापस भारत में लाने की बात चली है , तबसे लोग अपना पैसा इस देश में मंगाकर उसे सोने में इन्वेस्ट करने लगे हैं , इसीलिए सोने की कीमतों में बेतहाशा वृद्धि हुई है। 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Awareness on International Right to Know Day – Wednesday-28 September-2011

Dear All RTI Activist,
as we are aware that International Right to Know Day – is on Wednesday-28 September-2011.
The aim of having a Right to Know Day is to raise awareness of the right to information. It is a day on which freedom of information activists from around the world can use further to promote this fundamental human right and to campaign for open, democratic societies in which there is full citizen empowerment and participation in government.

International Right to Know Day was established by access to information advocates from around the globe. It was first celebrated on 28 September 2003, and 2011 will see the 9th International Right to Know Day.
On 28th September 2002, freedom of information organizations from around the world met in Sofia, Bulgaria, and created a network of Freedom of Information Advo...cates (FOIA Network). They agreed to collaborate in promoting the individual right of access to information and open, transparent governance, and proposed September 28 be designated as International Right to Know Day, in order to symbolise the global movement for promotion of the right to information. In order to celebrate this day and to create public awareness about the newly enacted Right to Information legislation in India.The aim of Right to Know Day is to raise awareness of every individual's right of access to government-held information: the right to know how elected officials are exercising power and how the tax-payers' money is being spent.
Below you will find some ideas about how to celebrate International Right to Know Day in your country.

If you are organising an activity in your country to celebrate Right to Know Day (or Right to Know Week) fill in the form below so we can add your activity to our world Right to Know Day map... coming soon!

Ideas of What You Can Do for Right to Know Day
if you are an NGO / civil society organization ... hold an event, a debate, an award ceremony .... write a press release ... hold a discussion with a local community group or in the local school ... print up posters and t-shirts and hand them out in the streets ... get people involved and, best of all, get them exercising their rights by filing request for information!
if you are an individual ... file a request for information, write a letter to your local newspaper, ask your local town hall to put up notices telling people about the right to information, or ask them to put more information on their website ... write to your local council or to your member of parliament and ask them what they are doing to promote government transparency!
if you are a teacher or pupil ... have a discussion in class about the right to know and why open government is important ... think of some requests you can file with your local authority or with a government body such as the Ministry of Education ... find a local issue that you would like to know more about such as the quality of the drinking water or the budget for the sports centre and file requests for more information!
if you are a librarian or write an Internet blog ... you already understand the value of information, so make sure you inform your members/readers about Right to Know Day!
if you are a journalist ... write an article about Right to Know Day around the world and/or about local transparency issues ... if you have never filed a request before using your national access to information law, now is the time to start, and then make a story out of what happens!
if you are an Information Commissioner ... join in the publicity for the day by holding an event or issuing a press release ... hold a competition that will encourage openness such as the best government website or the department with the fastest average response time for answering requests ... publicize examples of information disclosure that has helped strengthen the relationship between the public and the government ... send a memo to government departments reminding them that 28 September is International Right to Know Day and emphasizing that transparency is nothing to be afraid of because everyone is doing it!
if you are a public servant or elected member of government ... ask yourself you are doing to help promote open government ... find out what the department you work in is doing to be more open ... think about how you can manage information better so that it's easier to provide to members of the public ... put some more information on your website so that the public has a better idea about what you are doing ... and if your country has an access to information law, talk to the people in your department who are responsible for giving out information and find out what you can to do help them respond to requests within the timeframes established by law!
if you are still not sure what to do ... take a look at the http://rticup2010.blogspot​.com/ for more information about what the members are doing and what you can do ... we can also put you in touch with the local access to information organization in your area ... and please, send us your reports and press cutting so that we can make our Right to Know Day Map as full as possible this year! Thank you